Friday, March 8, 2013

My suit....(or lack thereof)....IS ready for pickup!

I picked up my suit and of course tried it on.....I LOVE it! But it's soooo tiny! A few things. I obviously had to have padding in it and when I tried them all out, I found the one I liked. When I got home and put the suit on again (because it all seems a bit surreal) I noticed the pads were upside down. Ha ha - not upside down. I tried them on upside down! I still like the way it fits though...lucky lucky. I have a feeling bikini bite is going to be my best friend. I'm going to glue those puppies in. As for the bottoms of the suit....Oh man! The back covers my crack - that's it! I texted my posing coach and I'm having her measure the widest part on her suit just to make sure it's really suppose to be THAT little. I decided that I am most definitely going to cut some body fat for this competition. There was a little debate on if I should considering I'm pretty lean already and figure doesn't want to see muscle striations - and my shoulders which tend to be the striations easily. But, for butts sake, I'm cutting.
I also got my stones from Nicol (the lady who made my suit) from NGearWear and I picked up the glue today and Tuesday my girlfriend Naomi is going to help me 'bling' this thing! My suit from start to finish has cost me $150. Not too shabby considering they average around $400 or more and can go up to over a thousand!
Back to cutting....I met with my trainer - I have two, Reid Merrill, who I ask about nutrition and training tips and Nanette Talbot who is my posing coach but has helped me with training and nutrition as well as the ins and outs of the competition and what to expect. Reid and I went over what I am going to do to start cutting. He was a little shocked that I consume 2300 calories a day and I'm as lean as I am and he was happy that my average protein intake is 180-200 grams a day. I love that I get to do this competition the healthy way and not have to put my body under so much stress with the extreme dieting a lot of contestants do. He says that I have a lot of room to play with to cut body fat. We're taking the easiest no brainer approach and adding cardio in but keeping my calories the same. He wants me to do this for 2 weeks and see where we are at. I get to run again....I think that's a good thing. I honestly didn't know when I was going to add that in, but it looks like Naomi and maybe my husband will go with me at 6:30am. It only needs to be about a half hour cardio - so this should work out great. Just in time to come home and get the kids up and ready for school.

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