Sunday, April 14, 2013

All people hear is blah, blah, blah....

I think I am ready for this to be over already. I am tired of it being on my mind 24/7....I'm pretty sure my hubby and my friends are sick of it too. I'm not going to lie - it's been really cool to see the changes in my body, especially while cutting. Veins and muscles are popping out everywhere! BUT I sure miss the ignorant days of eating whatever I was in the mood for without KNOWING what was in them. There are some foods that I will never be able to look at the same again. ha ha. BUT I do love the satisfaction of knowing that I am giving my body what it needs and that I am eating real food so I'm healthy and doing it right - the way we should be doing it - before processed foods became the norm. Not to say I don't love me some pizza and cereal - but it's a treat when I have it.

I actually went to see Reid last Monday and I decided to cut even harder than I had intended to on my last post. He said when he cuts he goes down to 50g of carbs a day! Wow. So that's what I have been doing. I do 2 days of carb cutting and 1 day back to my 2300 calorie carb and protein packed diet. I have had 2 rotations of it already and holy crap I am leaning up FAST! Some days were ok and others were really hard. I've been trying a few different recipes like protein pancakes and these egg/spinach muffins. John called them Leprachaun poop. ha ha. They did look a little...interesting. I liked the pancakes and they only had 4g of carbs and 54g of protein! Then I put my no sugar syrup on them and it puts them at 11g of carbs. But they are really filling and I still stayed under 45g of carbs for the day.

This is my friend Naomi that helped me bling my suit. We did this over 3 days so the glue could dry and it's a bit time consuming adding hundreds - yes hundreds, of little crystals.

This is the end result. I LOVE it! It sparkles like no tomorrow. The pattern is perfect for me - it's just.... me!

I've been really bad about taking progress pictures. Here's one my daughter took on a whim. The lighting isn't great - but this was two and half weeks out.

Oh man! I hope I'm ready! I am really nervous....and I know this because I have already started packing my bag....and I'm a procrastinator!

This last week I took the poly graph test and passed - whew! ha ha. I got my NGA card and registered for the competition. I really only have one and a half weeks left because then the tanning starts and things start to happen! Two maybe three more sessions of carb cutting and then I will go back to my regular food until competition to help the glycogen storage in my muscles keep full. Ahhhh -

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